Bellydance-Body Conditioning
"If you have a body... you have a bellydance-body!"
Welcome to my Bellydance-Body Conditioning program!
Bellydance is an all-inclusive industry that embraces students and professionals of all backgrounds, genders, ages and body types!
While we work on our physiques as our instruments of bellydance expression, we'll put equal value on our mental health by opting for a body-positive mentality!
Here are some helpful tips for us to keep in mind:
* Own the body you're in by filling it with self-care, self-love, and self-confidence!
* Celebrate the body you're in with ritual adornment, exercise, and bellydance!
* Value the body you're in by prioritizing process over performance!
Remember that your bellydance-body conditioning sessions are opportunities to heal your mind, body & soul and bring you into a healthy self-image! Let the flexibility, tone, and stamina that you find in this program be side effects of this sacred process!
Here you will find different length videos and sequences. Feel free to use these videos in a customized way to suit you. You may end up holding poses longer or flowing through poses more rapidly or collecting your favorite moves to create your own sequences. You can also choose which moves work for you in your warm up or cool down according to your own taste and changing needs.
Remember to listen to the signals of your body. Feel free to watch a video before practicing with it. You can even ask me for modifications in our Facebook group for online students: The Cyber Temple!
Enjoy your practice and let me know how you're doing!