Hello Goddess!
Join me on zoom! Absolute beginners to seasoned professionals are welcome! Here you can enjoy:
* Fun
* Sisterhood
* Enrichment
* Empowerment
All while learning and perfecting the mystical art of bellydancing from home!
Classes include:
* Beginner Fundamentals
* Intermediate Drills
* Advanced Performance Training
* All styles of Bellydance
* Fusion
* Props
* Make-up
* Costuming
* History
Are you ready to embrace the magic of living a goddess lifestyle with the self-care ritual of bellydance? We've got something for everyone!
* Group Zoom Classes - see below!
* Private Zoom Coaching - request by email!
* Teacher Certifications!
Notes and practice videos are available to support your zoom classes by adding a membership to Ansuya.com! There you will also find choreographies to further enhance your repertoire!
Check out your group zoom options below and, if you have questions, shoot me an email at: [email protected].
I'm so excited to help you get started!
Beginning Technique
The Magic of Bellydance
Tuesdays 7:55pm-8:55pm Eastern
Next 4 week Session: TBA
Oh my goddess... you're about to try something new! I know how exciting, and a little scary, this can be! Pat yourself on the back for following your heart and taking this first step! You are in the right place to feel comfortable, supported and embraced on your journey to discover what the magic of bellydance has in store for you! You can expect:
* Clear breakdown
* Helpful feedback
* An enchantingly good time!
This is the perfect launching pad from which to embark on the magic carpet ride of bellydance!
No dance experience necessary!
We are a multi-styled, body positive community of humans of all ages and backgrounds and we can't wait to welcome you!
Session Fee: $125
Send payment to: PayPal.me/ansuyamain
Include name of class "The Magic of Bellydance" and your Facebook name. You will be added to a group Messenger Chat on Facebook which is where you will receive your zoom link!
Intermediate Technique
Hot Combos!
Wednesdays 7:55pm-8:55pm Eastern
Next 8 week session: Starts Mar 12th!
Heat up your body, your dance and your life with brand-new sizzling Hot Bellydance Combo Drills!
We will focus on an exceptional tune-up of technique as we explore the body-mechanics behind what makes each combo sensual and sassy! You can expect:
* Detailed breakdown
* Helpful feedback
* Drills
* Combos practiced at different tempos to various songs
* Choreography
* Opportunity to strut your hotness in improv!
Session Fee: $250
Send payment to: PayPal.me/ansuyamain
Include name of class "Hot Combos" and your Facebook name. You will be added to a group Messenger Chat on Facebook which is where you will receive your zoom link!
Advanced Technique
Performance Circle
Thursdays 7:55pm-9:55pm Eastern
Next 10 week Session Feb 20th - Apr 24th
Subject: Egyptian Dance Fusion!
To be able to confidently perform a complete Bellydance Cabaret Improvisation is considered, by my lineage of teachers, to be the quintessential mark of a bellydance professional! Therefore, I bring you the very class format that I grew up developing my bellydance cabaret improv performance skills within! It's my honor to continue this training-style lineage with you!
In the first class of each 10-week session, you will learn the secrets of improvisation for one section of a cabaret or for a prop subject or for a fusion subject.
In the remaining 9 classes, you will be given the opportunity to improvise a full cabaret including the subject of focus and receive instructor feedback.
This will be followed by a featured student who will perform a solo in the subject of focus, in full costume if desired, and receive feedback from instructor and classmates. You don't have to solo - but you will want to!
This is your chance to improvise a full cabaret on a weekly basis, which is key to unlocking your full creative potential and perfecting your craft! It is also your chance to practice performing your improvised solo solo skills for an audience made up of your classmates and instructor, which is ideal training ground! You can even practice your set design, lighting, and video skills!
Fast opening, veil dance, slow standing work, floor work, and drum solo subjects will be covered! Plus bonus prop and fusion subjects! Each subject will take one 10 week session to cover.
Here is how the content will flow:
The first class of each session will be a crash course in the scheduled subject. Technique and concepts will be broken down, drilled, and explained in the context of cabaret style improvisation.
The 2nd through 9th class of the session will flow as follows:
15min Welcome
15min Full Cabaret Improvisation
This is where you will practice improvising a full show. All students do this at the same time, so you won't be alone in this process.
30min Instructor Feedback
I make notes as I watch you all perform and then share them with you, along with constructive advice, to help you grow your skills in all aspects of your dance artistry and performance.
5min Featured Soloist
At the beginning of the session, each student's solo date is scheduled so that you can choose your music and prepare your costume and set. Or, you can choose to do a "Raks Roulette" to put your improv skills to the fullest test. This may sound scary at first, but by the time you've trained in this class for a while, you will crave the Raks Roulette!
30in Instructor and Classmate Feedback
Soloist receives constructive feedback from instructor and fellow students!
Extra time is built into the end of class for socializing!
The tenth class will just be focused on the two remaining soloists if the session is full.
Firecracker Opening
Alluring Veil Dance
Scintillating Shiftitelli/ Mesmerizing Floorwork
Dynamic Drum Solo
Fantastical Fan Veils/ Whimsical Wings
Dramatic Sword Dance
Earthy Cane Dance
Enchanting Candle Dance
Mystical Indian Fusion
Soulful Spanish Fusion
Wild Gypsy Fusion
Tantalizing Tribal Fusion
Exhilarating African Fusion
Bawdy Burlesque Fusion
Elegant Egyptian Dance Fusion
Session Fee: $400 (covers 10 two-hour classes!)
Send payment to: PayPal.me/ansuyamain
Include name of class "Performance Circle" and your Facebook name. You will be added to a group Messenger Chat on Facebook which is where you will receive your zoom link!
Want to connect on social media? Follow me on: Instagram