The word “seduction” can have a negative connotation. However, as with many words today, its meaning has shifted throughout time, bending to describe subtle nuances best understood by its surrounding language, the intonation of the utterer, and by the full picture being portrayed by whomever is expressing this fascinating word. With Valentine’s Day coming up as I write this, my guess is that this word is being contemplated more during “the month of love” than on any other month of the year. So how can we, as empowered women, make this word work for us versus us work for this word?
Let’s start by turning the tables on a central theme that is often assumed to be at the core of any woman using her power of seduction, and that is that she is in want or need of love. Instead let’s reframe this by imagining ourselves as creators of love, as guides toward love, and as powerful wellsprings of this magical element called love. But how do we put ourselves in this mindset and how do we self-generate this kind of energy? Tired women everywhere want to know! With everything from our fitness, to fashion, to make-up, to demeanor incessantly being sold to us as needing to meet media standards in order for us to be an effective part of the chase to win the survival race, we are often exhausted from this outward push to grab attention that many of us don’t even want in the first place. So where does this leave our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health when, instead of feeling like a balanced, self-sustaining oasis of sensuality, we feel like withered, dehydrated shells begging for a sip of vitality from those who seek only to drain the last drops of ours for themselves? Not feeling anywhere near seductive, I’ll tell you that! So, let’s flip this dynamic! I often say, “the more love we put into ourselves, the more love we can put into the world”. Imagine this in material view. What if your fitness regime was designed to help you feel a certain way rather than look a certain way? What if your fashion was part of a personal ritual adornment practice that had everything to do with your own intuitive color therapy, authentic attraction to the feel of certain fabrics, and with your vision for designs that complemented and comforted your figure versus hurt and defiled it? What if your make-up was worn only when and if you want and was painted according to the picture you have of beauty for yourself versus an image being sold to you as beautiful? What if you could meet yourself as queen of your domain in this arena? Who would you be? I think asking these questions is a fantastic self-care-centric start to the art of seduction! Why? Because if you begin to fall in love with yourself, those around you will feel the vibrational resonance of that sensation and become attracted to it. You’ve begun the art of seduction! Now with regard to demeanor… I believe every woman has a goddess within her just waiting for a context where she can blossom into an empowered seductress ready to enchant onlookers and lead them down a path toward love! Bellydance is that context! With movements that activate our chakras, Bellydance is an art form designed to elevate our sensuality and set an example that directs audiences toward the feminine divine! Often, how we hold our posture in daily life, how we flirt with our body language, and how we dance with our bodies can feel like disconnected pieces struggling for integrated expression. We get that feeling of “is this what you want?” coursing through us which is nowhere near the sensation of radiating divine levels of love. But, as we learn to take all of our energy centers (chakras) with us into our daily existence, the story changes. We bring our primal, creative, social, heartfelt, truth seeking, visionary, and spiritual desires to our art of seduction, thereby offering a wholesome, intelligent, and wildly healthful experience to anyone who beholds us in a state of seduction. We beckon those to follow us into this energetic field from anytime we simply walk across the room all the way to when we are directing this flow of energy through dance or when we are directing this flow of love toward a sensual partner. The mystical practice of Bellydance helps us to understand how we want to feel, how we want to be treated, and how we want to be able to treat others with the power of love. Every move we make is opening us to a channel of knowledge within, teaching us self love and guiding onlookers to understand how to treat us and helping them discover how to treat themselves. That is why the art of Bellydance is so positively seductive!! Fear not as the lines between sensuality and sexuality begin to weave together. Bellydance is a fantastic gateway to help us emphasize words like seduction and sexuality in a healthy context and give these words a positive connotation!
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About Author- Ansuya Rathor is a writer and poet who loves to explore, contemplate and illuminate the power that bellydance and yoga have to unleash the divine within! Archives
January 2024