Here you will find hand selected video packages featuring select content from our video collection that you can access separately!
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Video Packages
Duet Formations Approx. Time: 20 min
Stretch and Strengthen with Ansuya! Approx. Time: 1hr
Beginning Technique with Ansuya! Approx. Time: 4hrs
Intermediate Technique with Ansuya! Approx. Time: 3hrs
Advanced Fusion Combos with Ansuya! Approx. Time: 4hrs
Advanced Improvisation with Ansuya! Approx. Time: 8hrs
Seven Chakras Bellydance Series with Ansuya! Approx. Time: 6hrs
Adornment and Modeling with Ansuya! Approx. Time: 40min
Zill Master Series with Ansuya! Approx. Time: 90min
Red Sun Rising Series. Approx. Time: 90 min
Scintillating Sword Series. Approx. Time: 75 min
Enchanting Candle Series. Approx. Time: 90 min